Christman Resigns, Keegan Appointed to NJVMA Board

Dr. Adam Christman resigned from the NJVMA Executive Board on July 23, 2024, citing increasing commitments and demands on his time and matters in his personal life. Dr. Ryan Keegan, who was serving as the NJVMA Board Apprentice, was unanimously approved by the Executive Board to fill the remaining portion of Christman’s term.

Dr. Christman was first elected to the Board in April 2019 and served as Treasurer.  In his resignation memo he commented, “I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside such dedicated professionals…I am confident that NJVMA will continue to thrive and make significant strides in advancing the veterinary profession.”

In accepting Dr. Christman’s resignation, NJVMA President Dr. Jennifer Kim noted, “I am sorry to see you go. Your charismatic personality and positive mindset brought life to the organization…I appreciate all you have done and the laughs we shared.”

Dr. Keegan was appointed to the non-voting Board apprentice seat earlier this year. He is a member of the association’s Conference Planning Committee.  Dr. Keegan will fill the remainder of Dr. Christman’s term as Director, which ends at the next Annual Business Meeting, May 18, 2025.