NJVMA Executive Board Meets for Strategic Planning

Last week, the NJVMA Executive Board participated in a two-day in-person strategic planning meeting, a collaborative session, and an opportunity to define the association’s directions and address the resources needed to achieve its proposed goals. 

These sessions mark a crucial step toward assessing the association’s current state, addressing pain points for the association and its members, and charting its course for the upcoming years. The goals and priorities set out in the strategic plan are not just a guide, but a roadmap to a brighter future. They will ensure the Executive Board continues to serve the New Jersey veterinary community, shaping a dynamic future for our association. 

Stay tuned for more information in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, NJVMA owes a debt of gratitude and thanks to its Executive Board members: Dr. Jenny Kim, President; Dr. Michael Charney, Vice President; Dr. Linda Marie Pedro, Secretary-Treasurer; Dr. Megan Edelle, Past President; Dr. Ryan Keegan, Director; Dr. Tiffany Mahalchick, Director; Dr. William Pettit, Director; and Phillip E. Russo, CAE, Executive Director.  The strategic planning session was led by Todd VonDeak, CAE, MBA.